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Desc:I mean, not that he's advocating that or anything.
Category:Religious, Horror
Tags:God Forbid, Health Care, Randall Terry, sedition, tired-looking women
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Comment count is 6
MovieCritic - 2009-09-23

Advocacy is legal. Incitement is not.

This man could be arrested if people start doing any of the things he is predicting, although that might not happen as there's alot more important shit to sort out.

whensaidthemoon - 2009-09-23

Then it's a good thing that no one ever listens to crazy right-wing zealots and then goes out and shoots an abortionist in church or brings loaded guns to town halls with the president or something.

Sodomite - 2009-09-23

It sounds like another call-to-arms like there was before Tiller was assassinated.

BlackSun1942 - 2009-09-23

Appropriately categorized in "Religious" and "Horror"...too bad this isn't just a scene from some b-movie. :(

Vaidency - 2009-09-23

I can never really think how to respond to people calling democratically elected governments they don't agree with "tyranny."

Toenails - 2009-09-23

So.... uh... the end result of Health Care Reformation is illegal acts no matter how you slice it?

God forbid indeed.

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