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Comment count is 9
Hooper_X - 2009-11-16

And yeah, this gimmick was totally more of a Matrix-inspired thing than Columbine, but wow, talk about terrible timing.

(Also note: the bootleg not-quite-Carmina Burana)

MongoMcMichael - 2009-11-16

WCW once wanted to call a heel wrestler 'the Final Solution'. It actually had to be pointed out to the booker that that particular name might be a bad move, so they changed it to 'the Ultimate Solution'.

What I'm saying is, the people there weren't very smart.

Hooper_X - 2009-11-16

WCW was so awesomely bad. I don't know how they stayed in business as long as they did. (yeah, I do - the southern audiences didn't want Vince's product. the more WCW tried to compete with WWE, the farther they strayed from their core audience. No Limit Soldiers and all that)

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-11-16

five for exactly how bad WCW was.

WCW was like the entire membership of a muscle gym all deciding they wanted to LARP.

sosage - 2009-11-16

All I know from watching Youtube clips is WCW had Macho Man setting an ambush involving ramming a hummer into a limousine...and that is fucking AWESOME!

...this is just weird.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-11-16

There was also the Macho Man as a pimp carrying a bucket of excrement, hoping to pour it atop someone's head.

It was foiled by s petite blond who was hiding in a gym bag he brought into the ring.

The Faghorn - 2009-11-16

Worst idea: Trust Paul Roma to help him look good in his debut match.

Hooker - 2009-11-17

So, got that out of your system now, Hooper?

Hooper_X - 2009-11-17

These things just happen, man. You can't control them.

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