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Comment count is 11
KnowFuture - 2010-01-08


Chibisuke - 2010-01-08

Omnibot nothing. I would have killed to have it's larger cousin when I was a kid:
http://my.reset.jp/~inu/ProductsDataBase/Products/TOMY/omnibot _2000/omnibot_2000_01.jpg

jyrque - 2010-01-08

Heh. Girlfriend.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-01-08

The black kid just starts randomly breakdancing for no reason.

Time Travel Mishap - 2010-01-08

And the white kids send a robot to dance with him.

memedumpster - 2010-01-08

Just like with my computer, I had the cheaper Radio Shack knockoff.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-01-08

You're not alone, brother.

dora's cough - 2010-01-09


BHWW - 2010-01-08

Some people thought we would have more sophisticated versions of gadgets like the Omnibot, true domestic robot servants, by 2000. So here it is 2010 and not robot butlers or anything like that.

Fuckin' rip-off, man.

fluffy - 2010-01-08

But at least we have Roombas now.

Camonk - 2010-01-08

Tomy was a pretty ineffective alias for Sony.

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