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Comment count is 12
schwaeg87 - 2010-04-29

don't ask don't tell, guys and you're screaming

Smellvin - 2010-04-29

This makes me wonder what Macedonian army camps were like back in the 4th century BC. I can only imagine what they did to amuse themselves during downtime... well, besides the buttsex.

James Woods - 2010-04-30

Anyone else get the eerie feeling that these soldiers were ordered to do this?

Camonk - 2010-04-30

GodDAMMIT, Private, if you aren't the worst motherfucking sashayer ever spat out of some wrinkled Virginian womb! If you don't sassy that jumping jack up, I'll have you digging latrines in Mogadishu!

knowless - 2010-04-30

hows that war goin guys?.. gettin.. gettin them terrorists?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-04-30

Quiet you. This is a very important strategy in the War on Terror. We're winning through pure talent. Talent and moxy.

andybrownie - 2010-04-30

the first ten seconds and last five of the song
are kinda cool.

also manly people dancing girlish

urbanelf - 2010-04-30

Uh oh! Look out for that IED!

Improvised Erotic Dancing.

Get it? GET IT? GET IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-04-30

I think I'm in love.

wtf japan - 2010-04-30

Long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer fabulousness.

bluiker - 2010-04-30

I love the big cut-out phones on the wall. They're like fourth-graders putting on a play.

Syd Midnight - 2010-05-01

As a bonus, this is like kryptonite to Al Queda

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