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Comment count is 19
baleen - 2006-11-14

My god.

kiint - 2006-11-14

too many laxatives before the anal sex scene?

Gylph - 2006-11-14


azmo23 - 2006-11-14

Nothing that foul could possibly be holy.

jaunch - 2006-11-14

Possibly fake? I don't know. I hope so.

Hooper_X - 2006-11-14

I call fake.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2006-11-14

This is some sort of awful, awful fetish thing, isn't it. God help us.

love - 2006-11-14

new meaning for "tub girl". let's hope it's the last.

boner - 2006-11-14

How can this not be Japanese or German?

sosage - 2006-11-14

One man's hot tub fantasy shattered...

doc duodenum - 2006-11-14


RoyCastle - 2006-11-14

kiint's got the only feasible explanation for this

stanleypain - 2006-11-14

Oh man, totally fake. It's CGed color-change on the video itself.

kicklecubicle - 2006-11-15

Forget about the poo-poo...why is she wearing a shawl in the hot tub?

sudan no1 - 2006-11-15

I saw a higher resolution version where you can make out lumps. :(( I bet she's a laxative-bulimic.

zatojones - 2006-11-15


Rafiki - 2006-11-15

Totally fake. stanleypain called it, and who shits powder anyways.

gambol - 2007-07-03

stanleypain is right.

1394 - 2009-06-02


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