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Comment count is 20
baleen - 2006-11-22


boner - 2006-11-22

She's trying to suck her tampon string right up into her throat

Aelric - 2006-11-22


bopeton - 2006-11-22

Is it just me, or does "Neck" look awfully similar to whatever she was doing before?

Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-22

Alternate plotline: "Woman with Lovecraftian hair rhytmically molested by the Invisible Rapist."

love - 2006-11-22

practicing for bulemia maybe?

fluffy - 2006-11-22

Two things moving apart doesn't mean there is a common muscle being flexed.

Enki Don't - 2006-11-22

4 for the work out +1 for the 80's porn background music

poopskin - 2006-11-22


Stog - 2006-11-22

Snorting imaginary cocaine is an exercise now

Xiphias - 2006-11-22


athodyd - 2006-11-22

I like how she crosses her eyes when she sticks out her tongue. Gotta keep those eyes ripped!

violenza - 2006-11-27

i own this on vhs. something about more oxygen to muscles. great for scaring people.

helicopter cats - 2006-11-28

Is this scientology?

jim - 2006-11-28

is she in pain? is that a dentist's waiting room music? is this 1983?

zatojones - 2006-11-29

-1 because WHAT THE HELL?!

Caminante - 2006-12-08

This is unsettling, and the music isn't helping any.

enjoy - 2006-12-09

She's exercising the oft' forgot lung muscles.

Ashenblade - 2006-12-22


Keefu - 2008-12-17


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