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Comment count is 16
TinManic - 2006-11-22

pure liquid cool.

dr_rock - 2006-11-22

I agree with this completely.

poopskin - 2006-11-22

was pretty funny until it stopped being funny at all

Killer Joe - 2006-11-22

-1 for not following the rule of three.

Charles - 2009-12-06

It doesn't need to follow the rule of three if the first 2 are already funny.

TEDA - 2006-11-22

Way, way too long but still funny.

phalsebob - 2006-11-22

It's funny 'cause its true - Guns enhance your martial arts.

enjoy - 2006-11-22

Kid has potential but why tell the same joke 5 times? -2 stars.

Cleaner82 - 2008-06-03

It wasn't the same joke five times. Pour water on your funny, give it sunlight, and wait for it to grow.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2006-11-22

these guys are good.

Bone_Vulture - 2006-11-22

Fine, it went on too long, but the basic idea was sweet comedy.

athodyd - 2006-11-23

You're at a friend's house. He's having a barbecue. He's mugging you.

carpenter - 2006-11-28

Funny, good editing, but, as noted, too long. Funny though.

Aubrey McFate - 2006-11-29

Not their best, but I support their efforts.

blackbetta - 2006-12-28

Good editing, but the gun gag is a Monty Python rip-off

Cleaner82 - 2008-06-03

I like where they went with it. And a million stars for the segues.

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