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Comment count is 12
lieutenant halfabeef - 2011-01-05

"Cold feet! Cold!"

split tail - 2011-01-05

That's not a rock.

poorwill - 2011-01-05

Penguin knew exactly what it was doing - rocks don't smell like a dead man's armpit.

Ursa_minor - 2011-01-05

Whoa, it appears as if the video looped back on itself at the end there.

mouser - 2011-01-05

A glitch in the matrix

Desidiosus - 2011-01-05

No one likes being used as a staircase.

Innocent Bystander - 2011-01-05

The penguin is all like "Geeez, sorreee! Didn't see you there, man, chill the fuck out..."

Konversekid - 2011-01-05

More acting than pain; that seal is an attention whore.

Charles - 2011-01-05

The second penguin makes this video just perfect.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-01-05

"Ow, one of my many soft spots!"

gmol - 2011-01-05

The seal's eye's and mouth agape just scream horror and indignification.


Anaxagoras - 2011-01-06

And then the seal goes right back to peaceful sleep. It's almost like he's daring the next penguin to be as gauche as the previous one.

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