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Comment count is 7
RocketBlender - 2011-08-20

Would love to see a modern sequel to this.

Sephirock - 2011-08-20

Yah I would play one with better graphics but this looks like it sucks donkey balls.

Chalkdust - 2011-08-20

ninjers and their nine-irons

Wonko the Sane - 2011-08-20

That's a hell of a water hazard

Void 71 - 2011-08-20

I just did a search on this game and it turns out that these guys went on to make a bunch of decent-to-great Genesis games, including Shadowrun and Vectorman. They also handled a really good port of Starflight.


fluffy - 2011-08-20

So THAT'S how you make golf entertaining.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-08-22

Now if only Tiger could get a dragon with a magical scroll to appear with that message, maybe he'd stop trying.

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