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Comment count is 3
SweaterCollection - 2011-09-01

I've seen some people give Ricky Gervais shit on this site for not being as funny as Karl Pilkington, which has a thread of truth to it. They also say that Stephen Merchant is useless and that the beating heart of the radioshow/podcast/tvshow is Karl, which also has a thread of truth to it. I feel like the main reason the show is as good as it is, is because of the dynamic between the three of them. In this case, the sum is greater than the total of the parts. If you took any single voice out of the show, it would be worse. It's possible you could find a better replacement for either Steve or Ricky, but I wouldn't put money on it.

Mancakes - 2011-09-01

Ricky Gervais' cackle is awful. Every time he laughs it completely sucks the humor out of whatever is going on, mostly since my ears are bleeding and mewling, skinless babies have appeared from his dark beckon.

SweaterCollection - 2011-09-01

Karl Pilkington is an unfunny twit and everything that comes out of his mouth deepens my personal existential crisis. Every show that he has ever been involved in is shit and the fact that someone even thinks to put him on television is indicative of the downfall of society as a whole.

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