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Comment count is 25
Crucifried - 2006-12-16

God damn, I didn't know how rough today was until I saw this. And now it doesn't matter.

love - 2006-12-16

the man teaches a lesson at the emmys. I am not aware of anyone else having this much grace.

Stopheles - 2006-12-16

Graceful and humble, as always.

Camonk - 2006-12-17


Hooper_X - 2006-12-18

What an amazing, amazing man. He singlehandedly makes up for every fucked-up thing on the internet.

happy_ending - 2006-12-20

What a class act.

NoCode - 2006-12-21

Oh, man. I got a little tear in my eye. I love Mr. Rogers so much!

BAC - 2007-01-10

note to self. say thank you more often, and give a sacrifice to the gods for mr. rogers.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-01-18

There is no way to overstate this man's charity, humilitiy, compassion and grace.

tamago - 2007-01-21

I'm not the least bit ashamed to admit that I teared up during that.

badideasinaction - 2008-04-21


It's really odd, because I never was big on Mister Rogers when I was a kid, but seeing him now in retrospect is awe-inspiring.

Caminante - 2007-02-14

Thank you for everything, Mr. Rogers.

Gojira1000 - 2007-03-04

*sniff* True goodness is far more rare than its opposite. And so much more powerful.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-03-14

This man will be treated very kindly by history. So kindly, I'm hopeful for the birth of a religion

fluffy - 2007-03-20

The world needs another Fred Rogers.

Maxville - 2007-04-11

The epitome of class, dignity, and selflessness.. My children will grow up with him.

bopeton - 2007-05-10

It makes me cry because there will never be another human being like this.

KnifeGhost - 2007-06-11

We need some kind of humanist tradition roughly equivalent to Sainthood. He's the first up for canonization.

tamago - 2007-06-17

Update: According to the YouTube comments Jeff Erlanger, the kid in the wheelchair Fred was singing to, died 11 June. I bet the first thing Jeff did in the afterlife was find Fred and sing "It's You I Like" with him. And I still tear up watching this video.

tamago - 2007-06-17

Also, whoever rated this less than five stars has got some serious explaining to do.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-05-20

Whoever rated this less than five has no soul, no value, and that's okay because we all still love you, and that's not faggy, that's just being kind to people who need kindness.

Won't you be my neighbor?

Vicious - 2007-07-10

I'm crying happy tears out of my left eye and sad tears out of my right.

danthedrummer - 2007-08-14

Fred Rogers was nothing less than a saint. This man taught us so much.

theFlu - 2007-09-27

Legend has it that if you were to steal his red cardigan (on display at the Smithsonian), and put it on... it would fit well, and you'd slip into a gentle coma; only to awaken in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe as a puppet - under the reign of Rogers as the King; Charon driving the trolley between netherverses.

thebaronsdoctor - 2008-10-05

I...I think I have something in my eye...

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