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Comment count is 18
chumbucket - 2012-03-20

Hell is having her brain transplanted in your skull.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2012-03-20

attack of the redditors

mouser - 2012-03-21

Eat stars.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-03-20

A marriage built to last.

takewithfood - 2012-03-20

Seems a little fake, but stars because I know some people who are just this dumb at math. A former college housemate of mine once asked my best friend and I for help with a math problem that was along the lines of:

"Three large pizzas are cut into 8 slices each. If 3 people share the pizzas equally, how many slices does each person get?"

After wrestling with it for about fifteen minutes she decided that it was impossible because you can't divide 8 by 3. When my friend and I explained that each person gets one full pizza, she looked at us like we were idiots and said "No, asking how many slices, not how many pizzas."

She teaches grade school now.

The Townleybomb - 2012-03-20

This is slightly above average for an elementary ed major, at least she knows that trucks are heavy.

Pompoulus - 2012-03-20

I do this sometimes. When I'm put on the spot and sufficiently nervous I'll decide beforehand I can't figure out a given thing and my brain just completely locks up. The simplest things become impossible.

Hooker - 2012-03-20

Does this even qualify as "math," or, as the author of the video calls it, "math and science"? There is no calculation involved in how long does it take to go 80 miles at 80 mph.

fatatty - 2012-03-20

It can be a science/math problem yes, just a very easy one.

But if you want to be complicated about it you can do it like this.

Time * Velocity = Distance

t * 80(m/h) = 80m
t * 80(m/h)/80 = 80m/80
t * m/h = 1m
t * (m/h) * (h/m) = 1m * (h/m)
t = 1h

Obviously she should have just done that.

Chalkdust - 2012-03-20

how many miles long is this video?

Screwtape - 2012-03-20

275 seconds * (1 hour / 3600 seconds) * (80 miles / 1 hour) = 6.11 miles long.

Also: fake.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-03-20

This is why Wal-Marts are 80 miles apart.

Boxhead - 2012-03-20

I forsee this relationship standing the test of time.

citrusmirakel - 2012-03-20

She keeps breaking, but that's secondary to his overwhelming douchiness. I wish I could give negative stars.

hammsangwich - 2012-03-20

This has to be fake, any sane person smash the car into the nearest bridge embankment going 80 MILES PER HOUR.

chairsforcheap - 2012-03-20

at least he gave her AIDS according to his cough

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-03-21

How would it be any better if this were fake?

Gmork - 2012-03-21

Cute and easily manipulated!

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