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Desc:My favorite movie. Ever.
Category:Classic Movies, Horror
Tags:Don Knotts, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, BANG right on the head
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Comment count is 6
baleen - 2013-02-02

No matter how many bushes they move in front of Norman Bates' house on the Universal lot, you can't hide it.

I was hoping this was a reference to the Ghost and Mrs. Muir, which is one of MY favorite movies.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-02-02

I have worn out a TV-copied VHS, a clamshell VHS, and a Wal-Mart purchased "Double DVD" with "The Reluctant Astronaut" on the other side. I love this movie, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It is a well crafted, solid, plot-driven script, a cast of eccentric characters, and no-frills production all stemming from a run-of-the-mill studio machine that didn't have time or tolerance for individuality. It results in a film that I have watched probably about 500 times.

There's something to be said for sheer risk-free marketability.

Cena_mark - 2013-02-02

I'll give it a shot due to your high praise of it.

WHOA! Otis the Drunk playing a drunk!

chumbucket - 2013-02-02

As someone still recovering from surgery and spending a lot of non productive time in bed, I thank you for this.

poorwill - 2013-02-02

Speedy recovery chumbucket!

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-02-04

Ahhh! I remember this! Holy shit.

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