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Desc:Alternates between surprising clarity and total bullshit.
Category:Religious, Educational
Tags:psychic vampires, prana, would, TheSpiritualCatalyst, New Age groups tend to attract jerks nobody likes
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Comment count is 10
Cena_mark - 2013-08-19

I turned this on and started working on something and ten minutes later I realize she's still talking. Holy shit what a boring sack of crap.

EvilHomer - 2013-08-19

Maybe she's a psychic vampire?

bopeton - 2013-08-19

From the opening I thought she was going to be some kind of wizard.

Redford - 2013-08-19

That's a whole lot of fruity new-age words for "If you are depressed you make other people depressed. Stop it."

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-08-20

It's the current fashion. Whatever your fault is, it's got to be due to an external source, so FANTASY!

It's not that different from gangstalking, belief in demons, etc. Why settle for the depressing fact your brain is messed up when you could be the target of supernatural or ultra-powerful forces?

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-19

How do I order a print of that fantastic artwork at 6:30?

Aelric - 2013-08-19

Reminds me of that time I lived with a coven of new age wicca kids. They all claimed to be dragons and vampires and elves and such. Pretty sure their sacred texts included the monster manual. It was a real fun 4 months.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-08-19

First edition AD&D or second?

BHWW - 2013-08-20

I had a few brushes with those sort of people, including this one woman who was a loudly avowed Wiccan, she was the cousin of a friend of a friend of an acquaintence...she published a Wiccan newsletter, would tell people about her performing rituals 'skyclad', which was a bit much since at the age of 30 she looked like a leathery, ill-used 45 or more.

Then there were this trio of clowns who shared a house who happened to know people who knew people I knew, a fat guy who claimed to have banished wicked spirits, demons and psychic 'parasites' with his use of a athame, a skinny girl who claimed to talk to the spirits of the trees in the grove just behind their house and a RenFair goof who had legally changed his first name to that of some fantasy series character, among other antics that became topics of conversation and the last I heard, around 2004 or so, he'd left to go on the road, to sell his homemade jewelry on the RenFair circuit.

Aelric - 2013-08-20

First edition, the one with the cover drawn by a three year old.

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