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Comment count is 12
EvilHomer - 2013-09-24

"You wouldn't steal the Vatican's tranny bondage porn movies..."

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-09-25

That's at least 2 deadly sins, right?

chumbucket - 2013-09-24

Hurry! Call Dan Brown!

EvilHomer - 2013-09-24

The Da Vinci Cocks

Merzbau - 2013-09-24

The Lost Sybian

Hooker - 2013-09-24

Anals and Dildos

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2013-09-24

This is the headline I have been waiting for my whole life.

Ryo-Cokey - 2013-09-24

Go big or go home.

Koda Maja - 2013-09-24

She raises a good point. The bible doesn't say anything about jerking it to tranny s&m, but it definitely says not to steal.

Blue - 2013-09-24

The only thing surprising about this is that someone at the Vatican is sexually attracted to adult women. I get why asexuals and pedophiles and religious gays would sign up, but why would a heterosexual choose to take a job that demands the appearance of celibacy?

EvilHomer - 2013-09-24

Because they believe in God?

Blue - 2013-09-25

I rarely literally laugh out loud. These stars are for you.

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