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Comment count is 4
BlisteredButtress - 2014-07-20

I feel like all of these movies have the same problem. You want to see this big cataclysmic event, so when it finally happens, there's not much satisfaction the actual climax afterwards can bring.

Also 5 stars for the cool practical explosion effects badly transitioning to cgi.

fluffy - 2014-07-21


"That sounded important but I couldn't hear what he said."

"Oh well, let's go ahead and keep dropping the water anyway."

infinite zest - 2014-07-21

I skipped to 2:06:00. I wonder what the 2:05:59 was all about to get to the "we've got an atomic train that derailed and blew up" climax. Speculating about an atomic train? Preparing for an atomic train? Watching the atomic train being built?

RockBolt - 2014-07-21



I watched this POS way back when because it takes place in Denver, and the viewing quickly devolved into a MST3K fest after the skyline was actually Vancouver, the train is coasting downhill OVER the Continental Divide somehow, EMPs don't really happen in any significant radius with ground bursts, and the inept filmmakers are suggesting people are walking 200 miles to Kansas in the same direction as prevailing winds instead of going literally any other direction god this movie is terrible

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