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Desc:Let's get down to brass tacks. The basis of all percussion.
Category:Crime, Arts
Tags:snap, Aelric, evolution of music technology week, evolved from ham
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Comment count is 16
yogarfield - 2015-11-17

someone please explain the music technology thing that is happening, i've been away. WHAT HAPPENED TO HAM WEEK??

memedumpster - 2015-11-17

You can't tell this evolved from ham?

memedumpster - 2015-11-17

The video trend, not saying Aelric evolved from ham.

Aelric - 2015-11-17

Thanks. I'll put the gun down.

chumbucket - 2015-11-17

Does one beat make a rhythm? Chat amongst yourselves.

Cena_mark - 2015-11-17

It started with this,
Then this one really got it rolling.
I figure ham just got old.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-17

I'd like to make one, but I'm afraid that I'll have nothing to contribute and/or am not cool enough to film myself.

Oktay - 2015-11-17

Come on, you have to!

(This is the first time I'm responsible for a theme week and I want that special feeling to last.)

memedumpster - 2015-11-17

This may be record poeTicipation in a theme week. EvilHomie, you must fulfill your destiny. We've all wanted a vid from you for years.

jangbones - 2015-11-17

I want to mix everyone's evolution of music technology clips into a song

but I am temporarily without editing software

damn it

Oktay - 2015-11-17

Get the Reaper demo, its only restriction is the 15 second splash screen countdown. It does video too.

memedumpster - 2015-11-17

Blender has a really solid video editor for free, if you're up for some tutorials first, it's the easiest aspect of Blender to learn. You throw video and audio strips down on a layered timeline like you would with Acid or other multitrack software.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-17

Reaper's easily the best DAW I've ever used and I've at least dabbled in most of them over the years, including S.A.W. back when it fit on one floppy.

Blender is surprisingly good at video editing although I'd contend that it's not, in fact, that easy or intuitive if you've used other video editors before. Definitely good though, and the main thing I use on the rare occasion I do anything with video. That and VirtualDub cover almost anything I ever need to do.

Alternatively there's always Adobe's honor-system "not actually free but we have no way to prove you bought it" downloads of all the CS2 programs, including Premiere and AfterFX.

cognitivedissonance - 2015-11-17

(we're roommates now, you know)

Aelric - 2016-01-11

We were, until you stole my money and evicted me for problems you created, mostly in your fucked up, bipolar mind, Kenneth Brooks of Lacey Washington. You were easily the worst, most unstable roommate I've even had and I regret ever meeting you, thief.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-17

The basis of all percussion is jerkin but nice try.

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