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Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-12-04

This game had more sound effects (Eg. glass breaking when a goal is scored) but they were made on the internal speaker (I remember the glass breaking sounds being quite convincing on it) and DOSbox unfortunately doesnt emulate those sounds so they are not in this video.

Also the Amiga version is worth checking out...


The song that plays in title screen; that song was on the B-side of the introductory audio tape that came with my C64. It was apparently an example of "Amiga music". It blew my mind hearing it again now. At the time I loved that song, pretty much wore out the tape. Now I know it's originally from 'Shuffleboard Cafe' on the Amiga.
You gotta admit its an epic track also. Maybe not actually good, but epic.

Scrimmjob - 2022-12-05

I didn't think I did, but once I saw it in action I definitely remember this game, don't think I had a full version, maybe a demo or something?

Mother Lumper - 2022-12-07

This game was ported to the Famicom over in Japan but never got a USA Nintendo NES release for whatever reason. Possibly because it was really difficult controlling the paddle and getting anywhere without an analog style input.

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