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Comment count is 10
duck&cover - 2022-12-06

There's a man who loves his work.

SolRo - 2022-12-07

I preferred him when he wasn’t trying so hard to be edgy

yogarfield - 2022-12-07

Trying so hard to be edgy? The dude does exactly the opposite to avoid demonetization, it's the whole reason he started the sarcastic "pretty cool right?" persona.

IRL he's a chemist, BJJ instructor, breeds butterflies, rock climber, into mushrooms, etc. Much darker sense of humor on other platforms, and seems like a pretty awesome dude. One of his current projects is a pet squirrel.

Simillion - 2022-12-07

I'm pretty sure I have a crush on him, and consider him a "good" "influencer". Edgy is not a word that fits the bill imho, and science based channels are never edgy. The more kids that want to tinker, the better my toys will be in 20 years.

SolRo - 2022-12-08

So what do you consider the part where he’s fondling the insides of microwaves while talking about how dangerous they are?

yogarfield - 2022-12-13

"So what do you consider the part where he’s fondling the insides of microwaves while talking about how dangerous they are?"

Youthful disclaimer. Dude just loves lasers. If you want a more formal warning of the dangers of working with microwave transistors and schematic demonstrations of why they are hazardous, Big Clive has the media market cornered.

Jeriko-1 - 2022-12-07

That's the manic grin of a mad scientist eagerly telling you about how he's about to splice your DNA with a sea cucumber. "It'll be totally cool!" :D

casualcollapse - 2022-12-07

Pretty cool, right?

exy - 2022-12-08

so, now you're part mollusc! congrats!

garcet71283 - 2022-12-09

This kid is gonna invent whatever replaces the nuclear bomb, mark my words.

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