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Comment count is 10
duck&cover - 2022-12-30

No, I don't want to watch a 90 minute dissertation about MMOs.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-12-30

SUMMARY: MMORPGS tend to attract Min/Maxing stat nerd control freaks who get pissy if they feel you're not enjoying the game the right way.

SolRo - 2022-12-30

The other big takeaway is that WoW specifically has made content overwhelmingly unplayable because of an arms race with mod tools.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-12-30

I enjoyed making parallels to other games or even non-game situations. E.g. for MNR some people think the goal is to show terrible movies, while for other's it's just cool movies, or maybe cool-but-awful. The meta-text around MNR is our discussions and unwritten traditions about why we do this.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-12-30

This is an old problem.

I remember being at a LAN party playing "Diablo II" and everyone getting pissed at me when I chose Necromancer because I wouldn't be able to unlock all NPC dialogue or get the best prices from merchants.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-12-30

For LAN it probably wouldn't matter, but over Battle.net everyone hated Necromancers if they used skeletons and revives because anyone with a non-top-of-the-line PC would get graphical lag and make it harder to play.

Robin Kestrel - 2022-12-31

In every online game, MMORPG or not, there is always somebody bitching that someone else is not playing the right way. Always.

Gmork - 2022-12-31

Online gaming became so toxic I barely engage in any of it anymore.

Even in a free PVE game like Warframe, somehow they manage to make everything in a co-op setting into a toxic dick measuring contest. Every time the exit sign pops up, it's a race. Ever time the final game stat page starts up, it's a contest. Every time anything happens ever, you're not playing the way they want you to.

badideasinaction - 2023-01-02

This was a bit of a miss for them - I think it got too deep into the weeds and I literally fell asleep partway through.

But I get the sentiment, and it's one reason why I avoid gaming with people, online or otherwise, unless I know that we're all at similar levels of fun vs. competition, because frankly I can't invest that much time and effort into anything like that.

Same is true for board games, LARP, RPGs, pickup sports, jam nights etc.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-01-02

I just started a Vulpera Arcane Mage and have deliberately chosen all the wrong talents and somehow I get people asking me a) if I'm a furry and b) why I'm better than them.

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