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Comment count is 7
casualcollapse - 2023-01-11

Ohh this is so badass

BiggerJ - 2023-01-11

This project isn't online yet. I have a sneaking suspicion that this video was posted in order to sway Google and/or Activision (owner of Infocom) into letting it be put online. It's be the first big collection of Infocom games since Lost Treasures got booted from the App Store - and I also suspect that this may have been an ulterior motive for the project. I hope it works.

Gmork - 2023-01-11

AI art is great and also we should compensate or protect human artists.

Look how easy it is to be on the right side of this issue! So tired of the constant discussion on it. I wasted all my energy talking about it in worse places. I would have rather had that discussion here but oh well.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-01-11

Interesting idea but the images have no continuity from one to the next so it's as if you're just jumping around from one parallel universe to another via a teleporter rather than walking through an actual world.

crojo - 2023-01-12

That's addressed in the video. In a future version they hope to implement multi-scene continuity to everything doesn't look completely different when you move.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-01-11

The original graphics in my head were way better.

I still remember the old Infocom ads. It was a picture of a human brain with the tagline, "We stick our graphics where the sun don't shine."

I miss the good old text adventures.

Gmork - 2023-01-13

They would benefit from specifically training a model on an art style that could give each output image more consistency. They could have foreground inpainting so they keep the background but elements can change based on gameplay

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