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Comment count is 6
Accidie - 2023-01-20

somebody really wants to blow assistant professor Jason Mewes

scrungus - 2023-01-20

mom's gonna be pissed when she finds out he stole her pot lid

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-01-20

I'm guessing this thing probably costs tens of thousands of dollars and is using some subatomtic relativistic effect barely distinguishable from magic to emulate a fridge magnet, right?

glasseye - 2023-01-22

No, this looks like it was pieced together with mostly kitchen appliance parts. It probably cost like $100 to build.

glasseye - 2023-01-22

It's just a van der graff generator and some copper tape basically.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-01-23

The Van de Graaff is the only complicated thing, the inside of the top ball is a little bit non-trivial to build. That said I think you could replace it with a DC power supply and a bigass capacitor, it just wouldn't look as cool.

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