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Comment count is 38
SolRo - 2023-02-27

This your first time feeling black in America?

cognitivedissonance - 2023-02-27

"We can vote the way we do, nothing bad will ever happen to us."

SolRo - 2023-02-27

Don’t worry.

They’ll blame Biden for not sightseeing the wreck fast enough, not the republicans that deregulated the industry.

Crackersmack - 2023-02-27

the Department of Transportation is controlled by Democrats you dumbasses, the Obama-era regulations that would have prevented this, that were repealed by Trump, could have been put back into place at any point by the Democratic administration that has been in power for over two years now

ashtar. - 2023-02-27

The Obama rules did not include this type of chemical as a "high hazard flammable" that would have required the more safe brakes.

https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/feb/17/occupy-democ rats/obama-era-safety-rule-high-hazard-trains-was-repea/

Crab Mentality - 2023-02-27

Crackersmack, shut your stupid fucking mouth and fill it full of vinyl chloride

ashtar. - 2023-02-28

How is he wrong? The policy in place under Obama was watered down under pressure from industry, and Biden/Pete has had two year to put it back/make it stronger.

It's an understandable emotional coping mechanism in the face of tragedy. But blaming the victims, engaging in just-world-hypothesis thinking, and scapegoating one's partisan enemies is both unhelpful in making things better and is imitating one of the reasons the reactionary right sucks.

Crackersmack - 2023-02-28

the point is that you can't really go "well these people should have voted for Democrats" when we just ended a two-year period where Democrats had full control of the federal legislature and chose not to do anything, or when Democrats *right now* have control of the regulatory body that could increase the safety of the railways without relying on cooperation from a single republican but that is not even on the table

Crab Mentality - 2023-02-28

Crackersmack, fuck your opinion until you have supped upon the puddles the train has provided, like your mother's milk, but with less nicotine.

Mister Yuck - 2023-02-28

The fun thing is he's right. And the Dems just unilaterally blocked a strike that was about quality of life and safety issues.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-02-28

It’s not who they didn’t vote for, it’s who they did. They could’ve voted for Pee Wee Herman and it would be his problem.


HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-02-27

Sadly, environmental disasters aren't unique to countries fond of late stage capitalism. This always seems to happen when regulations are either ignored, not enforced, or the regulations are terrible.

teethsalad - 2023-02-27

yeah it's not like the soviet union was a bastion of worker protections & environmental stewardship

Crackersmack - 2023-02-27

it literally was a bastion of worker protections

teethsalad - 2023-02-27

tell that to the chernobyl liquidators

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-02-28

Unionized labor during the mid 20th century in America had more protections than the USSR did for its workers, and that's saying a lot.

In America, thanks to unions, you'd have the choice of a job, a job that was reasonably safe, a job that gave you a livable wage, a job that enabled you to buy whatever food you wanted for your family, a job that enabled you to buy whatever affordable house you wanted, or even to build your own, and to even get a car if you wanted.

In the USSR, good luck on having a choice on what job you did, or how safe it was, or the ability to get enough money to buy food for your family, or even the luxury of having enough food for your family since what food you got was already chosen for you or you'd have to stand in line for hours for it, no choice of housing or building your own house because you didn't have the money to do so, and you were forced to live in a poorly maintained drafty and moldy concrete block, and even if you did earn a decent wage, the automobile you could buy your family, a Lada, was absolute shit.

Of course unless you were wired into the politiboro, then you had the same lot, only slightly better.

Those at the top and in power enjoyed the 'decadence' of the west as much as they could, and didn't care about their own hypocrisy.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-02-28

Not to mention the ability to protest or criticize your own government without being sent to a gulag in Siberia.

ashtar. - 2023-02-28

Huh. Weird how all that went to shit in the US as soon as the threat of communism was eliminated.

Crackersmack - 2023-02-28

damn Harriet this version of America that ended completely 50 years ago sounds great, not sure what that has to do with the Soviet Union being a legit workers paradise tho

Mister Yuck - 2023-02-28

"Not to mention the ability to protest or criticize your own government without being sent to a gulag in Siberia.'

Within certain limits. The state assassinated a whole lot of leftists and civil rights leaders, and continues to find ways to prosecute them on bullshit charges.

teethsalad - 2023-02-28

feel free to hop on your jetski and float on down to the workers paradise of cuba to find out how right you are

Crackersmack - 2023-02-28

I've been to Cuba, it's beautiful and the people are happy. Very few of them would trade places with you.

teethsalad - 2023-02-28

well hurry up and defect then cupcake

SolRo - 2023-02-28

I enjoyed reading Harriet’s rendition of “The USSR as described by a 1950s conservative white
American man.”

SolRo - 2023-02-28

Unfortunately his rendition of the glorious American capitalist utopia left out the part where it only applied to white males.

teethsalad - 2023-03-01

hilarious how you guys willingly regurgitate the most fantastical ancient soviet propaganda out of a twisted sense of american exceptionalism

yep, slavery or exploitation didn't exist on planet earth in any way, shape or form until 1776, we got it guys, thanks for letting us know

ashtar. - 2023-03-01

It's sad to watch another impressionable mind slide down the centrist-liberal-pitbull-apologist to "racism is ok because everyone does it" pipeline. Really, I blame poetv.com for not censoring harmful misinformation.

teethsalad - 2023-03-02

oh yes ashtar, nobody in human history has suffered more than you and the rest of the people living on the north american continent in the past 100 years

we all acknowledge your posturing and posing and declare you top leftist

teethsalad - 2023-03-02

also hilarious you guys think they whipped the doors of the kremlin open and let non-white russians run the show

or as if they'd let anyone who isn't han chinese run zhongnanhai

just because america has a whole fucking lot wrong with it doesn't mean the soviet union was good or without flaw for the vast majority of people living under its rule

teethsalad - 2023-03-02


maybe read something other than decades old agitprop for a change

Crackersmack - 2023-03-02

lol why not link us to the 'victims of communism memorial' website

ashtar. - 2023-03-03

America was more racist than the USSR. We were a literal apartheid state up until the late 60s. We had an explicit race based quota system for immigration. We genocided Native Americans, put the survivors in little camps, and attempted to kill off their culture. We also were big supporters of South Africa.

The Soviet Union wasn't perfect by any means. Neither are communist states now. But neither are they the caricatures most Americans think they are. And, especially given how far neoliberal captialism has gone off the rails since the end of the cold war, it's really questionable whether the right side won the cold war.

snothouse - 2023-02-27

What report is stating "200 mile radius"? I can find "100 mile radius" as the estimate - did a more recent report increase it?

casualcollapse - 2023-02-27

I’m just repeating the statement made in the video

snothouse - 2023-02-27

Sure, I'm just asking if anyone knew anything I didn't.

Crackersmack - 2023-02-28

"Hey, you got a lot of... cranium accessories!"

ashtar. - 2023-02-28

Hey c-smack, do you read Ben Studebaker? If not, I bet you would like him.
Check this out, maybe.
https://benjaminstudebaker.com/2023/02/21/nord-stream-deflecti ons/#more-5807

"The people making these arguments are blatantly uninterested in whether the US government attacked the pipeline or whether the speaker vote could have been used to extract meaningful concessions. They defend the US government and/or the progressive caucus, regardless of the circumstances. They view criticism of the US government and its supporters as necessarily motivated by support for deplorable, far-right stuff. Because the far-right is very bad and the US government and its supporters fight the far-right, they feel the US government and its supporters must be defended, no matter what terrible things the US government and its supporters might be doing. Whatever the US government and its supporters might do wrong, for these people these things are trivial compared with the threat of the far-right. The specter of the far-right has become a reason to stop thinking critically about the actions of the government and its supporters. If you don’t agree, this must be because you sympathize with the far-right, and therefore you’re bad and part of the problem.

This way of thinking effectively grants a blank check to the US government. It annihilates the possibility of critique from the left. There is very little point in even making arguments anymore, because no one is interested in arguments these days. It has become purely a question of sides. If you say something I don’t like, it must be because you’re on the wrong side, and the fact that you’re on the wrong side makes it necessary to negate whatever you said, regardless of whether what you said is true or intellectually, morally, or spiritually valuable."

Crackersmack - 2023-03-02

I never heard of this guy but I will definitely check him out. That excerpt is a very articulate way of explaining how both political parties in America are highly reactionary and extremely right wing.

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