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Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-09

He's not playing 5D chess. He likely can't even handle 2D chess.

He wanted to buy Twitter to turn it into a cash cow, which he needs because it's getting harder to scam states out of tax dollars to build a bunch of stupid tunnels. Also, Tesla vehicle sales are going to drop like rocks now that other car companies are leaning heavily into electric & hybrid vehicles.

His antics prior to buying Twitter were intended to drive the stock price down, but they largely didn't work and he had to pay more than intended.

And now he's finding out you can't make a service people were happy to use for free into a pay service.

He's not a genius, he's a lucky idiot.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-04-09

The scam only makes sense IF the Red Wave had happened. However, he didn't, and is now so deep with the Saudi Mob he's flailing just to keep himself from hightailing it to the bunker.

glasseye - 2023-04-09

Twitter as a "fair and balanced" news source? LMAO

Nah, it's totally overrun by white nationalists and literal swastika flag waving nazis since Elon bought it.

Also, look at the replies to any "verified" account and you'll see that a significant majority of them are people laughing at the idiots who paid for Twitter.

Stars for pure capitalist evil.

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