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Comment count is 6
Binro the Heretic - 2023-05-04

It's blatantly obvious someone who hates vegan "milk" wrote this.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-05-04

Or someone who just found the whole "milk" concept as having humor potential. Similar to barrels.

love - 2023-05-04

not funny. that barrel ruined my life :(

Jack Dalton - 2023-05-06

This kind of made me sad— I remember a time when the Onion produced some of the best satire on the internet … and it is clearly a shell of its former self. I know it is years removed from its peak, but watching this just reminds how increasingly irrelevant the Onion has become.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-05-06

It's not their fault that reality killed satire and started wearing its skin.

Nominal - 2023-05-06

They went from brilliantly constructed ONN pieces like "Apple Friend Bar", "Macbook Wheel", and "Missing Sorority Girl" - with tons of layered gags and details - around 2010 to just a few years later going sharply downhill with the B team with just a thin concept and winging it with improv.

This...this is the Z team.

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