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Desc:Hilariously awkward, like a Dystopian version of 'The Office'!
Category:Crime, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:republicans, Jim Jordan, Grinning idiot
Submitted:John Holmes Motherfucker
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Comment count is 8
yogarfield - 2023-06-14

He's got the ill-fitting shirt, a poorly tied tie, and a thinning harline, fair.

But what does he not have? The suave, confident and unclenched butthole of David Brent.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-14

This is all the Republicans do now.

As soon as they get on TV, they just spout out a bunch of bullshit.

Then right-wing Internet trolls cut together videos with titles like, "JIM JORDAN UTTERLY OBLITERATES LIBTARD JOURNALIST," and upload them to social media.

It doesn't matter that they came off looking like goobers live on the air.

Cena_mark - 2023-06-14

I worked with a guy who watched them all the time. I watched some over his shoulder and I never saw the libs get owned, just some back and forth.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-14

The usual trick is to show the Republican asshole spouting off their bullshit then cut to the one instance they could find of the interviewer seeming to stare blankly at the camera.

To the right, it looks like the Republican totally shut down the "liberal" pundit with unassailable logic.

They will never watch the full uncut interview.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-06-15

Two words.

Nixon. Landslide.

Gmork - 2023-06-14

Zappa was a bitter man but he was absolutely right about what's coming.

Gmork - 2023-06-14

Catch-22 seems particularly relevant now

Nominal - 2023-06-15

For extra fun, read up on Jim Jordan's cover up of sexual abuse allegations while an assistant wrestling coach, and his hilarious waffling between begging and threatening witnesses.

Assistant wrestling coaches, football coaches, spoiled rich kids of construction/real estate daddies, and born again strip club "cocktail waitress". This is the modern GOP.

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