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Comment count is 14
Lef - 2023-06-19

Every clip I've seen from this show is bind blowing. How anyone can watch it, even ironicly, is beond me.

Please, no more.

Slumgullion - 2023-06-19

you mean this isn't "peak tv"

Nominal - 2023-06-20

*snorts line*

"What if...Forrest Gump...was a doctor!!!!"

The only people I've known who watch this are boomers and older Gen X'ers (just like Forrest Gump).

Lef - 2023-06-20

pour vous ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Proof that if you just try...

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-06-22

"What if... "HOUSE" was less annoying.

The Mothership - 2023-06-20

People wrote this screenplay, people approved it for production, actors agreed to perform it, and then camerapeople and actors performed this scene.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-21

The mind wobbles.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2023-06-20

Oh look, more reasons to continue to not watch television.

love - 2023-06-20

Doogie Howser: train enthusiast

Nominal - 2023-06-20

Dummy Howser

The Good Duh-tor

Nominal - 2023-06-20

Seanbaby's podcast had an episode on "TV Shows from the Wrong Decade" where they talked about shows that seem like they were taken out of time.

Jack Reacher seemed like some lost A-Team episodes (with less welding and more dad power fantasies).

Daybreak was some early 00s Joss Whedon's Ferris Bueller zombie deconstruction, 15 years after any of that could be considered fresh.

The Good Doctor is some early 90s Life Goes On shit.

Potter - 2023-06-20

I wonder what Life Goes On looks like these days? I remember it feeling pretty positive, but i was also like a child at the time.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-06-20

NCIS: Corky

Lef - 2023-06-22

I would at least try watching NCIS: Corky

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