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Comment count is 6
duck&cover - 2023-07-17

Interesting to hear about Liefeld's childhood.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-07-17

I'd never heard of this guy, but he seems good imo..
1. Has insane amount of passion and drive for the subject.
2. Has an aptitude and talent for it.
2. Is imaginative and creative.
The actual technical skill thing can always be improved with training and practice.

Also I *had* heard of Todd Mcfarlane before, but only as the guy who insisted he owned (he didnt), and therefore kept Miracleman tied up in legal bullshit for 10+ years. Neil Gaiman formed a company whose only purpose was to sort out the bullshit of who owned Miracleman so he could continue writing his comics. It goes like this...
Alan Moore run 1985 -> 1989: (with some legal bullshit interludes but nothing crazy)
1990 -> 1993: Neil Gaiman suceeds Alan Moore and starts his run
1993 -> 2022: *Bullshit* involving Todd Mcfarlane (for **29 years**)
2022 -> now: Neil Gaiman continues from where he left off in 1993

Nominal - 2023-07-17

EvilHomer is back!

Cena_mark - 2023-07-17

I don't get the hate either. It's an underdog story. People typically celebrate underdogs. We cheered for Rocky who was far less talented than Apollo with hopes that his grit and heart would overcome the odds. This is a similar story. The guy lacked innate artistic talent but through determination, hard work, and a little bit of tracing he found success in a challenging industry.

Cena_mark - 2023-07-17

What do yo mean EvilHomer is back? I don't see him.

garcet71283 - 2023-07-18

Truly the George Lucas of the comic book world.

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