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Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-23

I grew up in the rural South where the prevailing attitude was, "Ain't no queers here. Only the big city has that problem."

And a lot of "shy quiet" kids would grow up & head to the big city as soon as they were old enough. Word would get back home that they had come out.

And of course the logical conclusion was, "The big city turned 'em GAY!"

duck&cover - 2023-07-23

How Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen [Gay] Paree)

Anaxagoras - 2023-07-24

I grew up on the West Coast, but I went to university in the South. It was an eye opening experience. I had no idea that there were such stupid people in the world, let alone how many of them there were.

And then Donald Trump came along, and showed me that I had no idea how deep stupid could go.

Cena_mark - 2023-07-25

That's why Atlanta had long been the gay refuge of the south. Any LGBTQ person in small towns and cities in south would be drawn to it. Much easier to settle in the city 4 hours from your hometown than trying to resettle in the west coast.

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