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Comment count is 4
Gmork - 2023-07-21

In middle school a guy named Gus would stand waaaay behind the opposing basket and huck it one handed and make it in pretty often. We called it a Gus shot. This guy is almost doing that.

Nominal - 2023-07-23

1. Insurance company that was supposed to pay out, weaseled out of it claiming his having played college basketball violated the rules.
2. Sponsors ended up paying to repair PR.

Probably didn't need to be a 15 minute video.

Nominal - 2023-07-23

Pepsi, Where's My Jet? is on netflix, documenting the dude who actually collected enough Pepsi points to try and claim the advertised gag prize of a harrier jet.

Sputum - 2023-07-24

i given't a shit about basketball but this was a very well told story

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