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Comment count is 5
ashtar. - 2023-07-21

One of the guys I went to the academy with ended up as a LE ranger at Glacier. He spent the whole season standing at the entrance turning cars around because they had to limit the number of people coming it. Yet somehow they still have a maintenance backlog of hundreds of millions of dollars and a GS-5 starts at 40k.

Also, fuck it I'll say it, for the most part it's a commodified and inauthentic experience of nature.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-21

We don't really want authentic nature experiences.

Getting eaten by a bear is an authentic nature experience.

Out ancestors worked very hard to insulate us from authentic nature experiences.

SolRo - 2023-07-21

So you really have become a bouncer

ashtar. - 2023-07-22

I'm not like the other cops I'm a cool cop

Cena_mark - 2023-07-22

It must be the cars. You have to hike to get to the real nature

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