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Comment count is 13
Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-21

Didn't she, like, rip the idea off from a guy who not only grew grass on his car but hat a coat and hat covered with live grass?

radiosquido - 2023-07-21

I could see her as a regular recurring animated character on Beavis and Butthead, honestly.

Nominal - 2023-07-22

She wants attention, but only deserves the "shun" part.

Nominal - 2023-07-23

but this is definitely in the top 10 most punchable preview images.

#1 if you don't count the politics clips!

ashtar. - 2023-07-22

responding to the annoying millennial cringe allegations in the most annoying millennial cringe way possible

Sputum - 2023-07-23

you know what, it's a good point how the new b&b videos that riff on youtube videos are kinda punching down. the original ones were riffing on professionally produced music videos which is a totally different vibe.

Herr Matthias - 2023-07-23

I thought the riff was hilarious also, but could also see how it was a bit harsh, particularly for an amateur who projects a highly exhausting personality and may have extensive amounts of generational financial resources and free time but who is really just putting a lot of effort into making dumb harmless videos.

I'm seeing a bit of "why are you getting so mad about getting made fun of by fictional characters", and: Beavis and Butthead, the characters, are stupid, nigh illiterate, and so lacking in common sense they can be convinced that voting is rewarded with free prostitution. The Beavis and Butthead that riff on videos/YouTube/TikTok are witty, clever, and highly culturally and socially aware. In other words, they're not Beavis and Butthead at all, they're Mike Judge making dumb voices.

simon666 - 2023-07-24

Yeh, I'm not sure I buy into the worry that Beavis and Butthead are punching down here. Beavis and Butthead are despicable assholes who we laugh at: their vernacular, childish humor in inappropriate contexts, their stupidity. What is it for these characters to punch down? It certainly isn't clear the target (this chick) is below their characters.

It seems like punching down has to be a matter of the creators of the show punching down on this YouTube content creator. But I think given that the joking is made from the perspective of Beavis and Butthead as characters and that Ali Spagnola has a YouTube channel with 1.42 million subscribers suggests the charge of punching down isn't clear cut.

SolRo - 2023-07-24

What’s even the original video/channel view and popularity wise? This thing is on some insignificant fitness based channel with 30k subs

It’s punching down if you find someone insignificant to make fun of and it’s punching up if you go after the multimillionaires on youtube

Sputum - 2023-07-24

the b&b video in question here was funny because it was making fun of the youtuber, not because it was making fun of beavis and butthead. when you watch it you are supposed to think "wow, this lady is annoying" not "wow, I can't believe beavis is this stupid". it's pretty clear who the target was.

i mean, sure, they were right. the original content was embarrassing and literally ridiculous. but it's still just mean to make fun of actual people who aren't doing anything morally wrong. especially when you have such a wide audience.

SolRo - 2023-07-24

Okay so the main channel somehow has 1.4 million subscribers despite the majority of her videos struggling to break 50k views.

Still I’d go with this being a public professional performer being an annoying idiot for money, so a fair target for mockery

This isn’t a kid or teenager vlogging their personal life.

Nominal - 2023-07-24

"Punching down" started as an explanation for why conservative humor isn't funny, but it's just spiraled into meaninglessness. I cant believe that Portal of Evil visitors are earnestly claiming that mocking the insane and insignificant online isn't funny.

What is the exact subscriber number and income bracket an annoying person has to reach before you're morally absolved from mocking their chia car? Jesus fucking christ...

SolRo - 2023-07-25

If you’re a normal adult professionally attention-whoring on social media for money then you’re in a class of people worth punching up at.

It’s a worthless profession. They do nothing original and contribute nothing to society. They actually make society worse by piling derivative garbage on the internet to steal away our attention and time.

Most of this garbage is “Look at me, I have money and now I used this money to do something someone else did before but a little bigger! And now I have more money and I’ll do someone else’s idea even bigger!” repeat until you’re mrbeast I guess.

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