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Comment count is 15
Cena_mark - 2023-10-07

The right will grill Biden for hypocrisy now, and go back to saying he's for open borders in a week.

ashtar. - 2023-10-07

Whether he was full on open borders or more draconian than Trump, they'd be saying the same thing.

glasseye - 2023-10-07

Yeah, if only history could have taught us that appeasing fascists doesn't work.

ashtar. - 2023-10-07

Better vid in resubmit.

BiggerJ - 2023-10-07

The Overton window is now moving to the right so fact it's audible, like the growth of a bamboo plant.

Nominal - 2023-10-07

"A 2017 study by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University found that The Hill was the second most-shared source among supporters of Donald Trump on Twitter during the election, behind Breitbart News."

Dupes, dummies, and the disingenuous. Which ones are YOU, upvoters?

Nominal - 2023-10-07

This is the same channel that's currently pushing "The Squad" as sellout traitors and Matt Gaetz as a crusading hero "draining the swamp" of lobbyists.

You idiot clapping seals.

Gmork - 2023-10-07

I dunno, the entire video in context is evil so it belongs here

glasseye - 2023-10-07

Stop trying to distract from Biden's crimes. This story has been reported on basically all major news outlets.

Biden is doubling down on Trump's worst policies. Again.

ashtar. - 2023-10-07

I love the liberal version of FAKE NEWS LYING MEDIA.
Like, is the story not true just because you don't like the source?

Cena_mark - 2023-10-08

I wouldn't say "doubling down" he's adding 20 miles. Trump intended to add thousands.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-10-08

Even the republicans in the house didn't want to build Trump's crazy wall, so I find the narrative that Biden is finishing Trump's crazy wall , which Trump himself barely begun, to be highly dubious. Even Trump barely begun his crazy wall.

I don't believe we're going to have a discussion about the actual policy. Ashtar and Crackersmack, as always, are trying to prove that Biden and Trump are the same, and therefore own the libs.

But Trump and Biden are not the same. In 2020, they both appeared on the same debate stage, proving that they are literally two different people. Checkmate, you guys.

>>>remember how hard libs leaned into "you must not care about the kids that Trump put into cages" in 2020?

I didn't watch the video. If I did, it would be to better prepare for a nuanced, non-dumbed down discussion of whatever's really going on here, but that's not going to happen, thank god, because who wants to make that kind of effort? No one! Not crackersmack and ashtar, and not me.

If Biden is building X amount of border wall, it's either for good or bad reasons, and it's either a substantial policy or an election year gesture. I don't know, but I do know that building X amount of wall is not the same thing as putting children in cages. They are literally two different things. So, are we burying the lead? Is there something on the video about kids in cages?

Make no mistake, If the Biden administration is putting children in cages, I'm against that, but I'm still planning on voting for Biden, if he's running against Trump. Against Trump, I would vote for Ronald Reagan, back from the grave as a brain-eating zombie.

glasseye - 2023-10-14

Biden is indeed putting children in cages.

Hundreds of immigrants are forced into open air desert prisons, where they are given one bottle of water and one granola bar per day.

Because Biden is a fucking monster.

glasseye - 2023-10-14

Cena_mark: the wall is but one area in this domain in which Biden is doubling down on Trump's policies. He has, again and again, embraced Trump's cruelty towards immigrants and expanded it, with a tiny handful of exceptions: ending the family separation policy was one tiny good thing he did, quickly overshadowed by unspeakable evil.

But libs don't care, because orange man bad, and blue man can do no wrong.

Even when the blue man is doing exactly the same shit the orange man did, and WORSE.

Crackersmack - 2023-10-07

remember how hard libs leaned into "you must not care about the kids that Trump put into cages" in 2020?

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