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Comment count is 9
Nominal - 2023-11-12

I've always been baffled why anyone has ever purchased an Apple product for at least the past 10 years.

Cena_mark - 2023-11-13

And then they'd always try to make it seem like Microsoft was the evil monopoly.

SolRo - 2023-11-12

Reasonable arguments but android is hot garbage and I doubt all those phones are extra repair friendly

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-11-12

Apple being bad doesnt make Android good. They're both fucking terrible locked down walled garden operating systems owned by giant awful FAANG corps. Don't use either.

SolRo - 2023-11-12

Fine back to the paper cups with strings

casualcollapse - 2023-11-12

I hopped back on the Apple train and I’m never going back

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-11-14

I hopped on the iphone train ten years ago this year. I've tried Android but they just suck compared to iOS. Not to mention everything is working pretty well and I've had pretty much zero issues with iphones in the last 10 years.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-11-13

Thirty year old beefs from the Usenet era! Always compelling!

Leviathant - 2023-11-16

I've been aggressively anti-Apple for about as long as I knew about Apple. Proprietary connectors, complete disregard for backward compatibility, premium pricing on *everything*

But earlier this year I picked up an M1 Macbook Pro as I retired both my old Dell desktop and my previous laptop. The performance and the power consumption/battery life is too much to ignore now. Plus, it has a 2TB hard drive and 64gb of RAM, and at $2500 new in the box - the price is actually pretty good. It would have been nearly double that, new.

Everything's USB-C now. When I travel, I can bring one charger and it works on my phone, my computer, my earbuds, and if I bring it, my tablet. I don't really play video games anymore, but this thing has enough oomf for Sketchup and Twinmotion. And the latest Macbooks have made notable improvements on the repairability front.

It's still dumb that RAM and disk space isn't replaceable. I eked 12 years out of a Dell desktop before capitulating to the dark side.

No way I'm going back to iPhones though, those things suck. I've had a Pixel 3 and a Pixel 6 and they've both been pretty great.

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