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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2023-12-18

Doesn’t look like a remake? Just a bad direct to streaming sequel

Is Murphy running low on money or something?

casualcollapse - 2023-12-18

he has had a multiple film deal with Netflix for a while, that's probably it

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-12-18

You're right. Remakes, reboots, sequels and adaptations have all blended together into a big shitty soup in my mind.

TeenerTot - 2023-12-18

Yeah. I'll probably watch it, tho.

BHWW - 2023-12-18

Is only on Netflix and uses a rap song from the 1990s. Who says pop culture is stuck?

Quad9Damage - 2023-12-20

I'm so cynical and used to disappointment that I am afraid of this.

So, Beverly Hills Cop is one of my favorite movies, but I watched II one time and found it severely lacking compared to the first. As of this comment, I have not yet watched III.

Aside from that bit with him hanging out with elderly Ashton and Reinhold, this looks like another "HE was a COP who didn't play by the RULES!" and not much else.

Anaxagoras - 2023-12-22

I really liked both of them when they first came out, but I recently rewatched BHC 1 and it was just... OK, I guess. Ebert's criticism that the action parts weren't very good & didn't mesh with the comedy seemed apt.

I dunno. I guess we can only rarely swim in the same river twice.

Quad9Damage - 2023-12-24

I enjoy it mostly for the Axel Foley character. I like how laid back and carefree he is while also gifted at noticing small details. You see a lot of that in the strip club scene, which is just pure fun.

I'll admit I find the third act a little odd, though. Aside from some random slapsticky bits, it turns into a different movie during the shootout with the aviator wearing trash mob. It's almost like the fingerprints from the Stallone version are visible on it. Can't say I had the best time with Cobra, either.

garcet71283 - 2023-12-24

Beverly Hills cop is like Highlander.

At least we will always have the original.

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