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Comment count is 12
casualcollapse - 2024-01-20

If idiots wanna kill them selves by doing this let them, you have to know the consequences of attending these by now
One star reduced for copaganda

ashtar. - 2024-01-20

cops are cool and your friend

casualcollapse - 2024-01-20

10 people and a nazi sits down with them

count the nazis

Hint:its 11

garcet71283 - 2024-01-20

ACAB amiright guys?

Gmork - 2024-01-21

yes. you are right.

if surgeons killed a lot more of their patients we wouldn't be like "IT'S JUST PART OF THE JOB" we would hire better surgeons

which isn't to say surgeons aren't also serial killers with support systems sometimes, but again - things don't have to be black and white

glasseye - 2024-01-22

Absolutely, ACAB.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-01-20

Would he have plowed through the crowd if the cop hadn't chased him?

Gmork - 2024-01-21

i guess the question is: under any circumstances, is he capable of callously driving through human beings to escape the consequences for his actions? the answer is yes, we find

glasseye - 2024-01-22

Sounds like he should be a cop.

Nominal - 2024-01-22

The cop heard "donuts" and sprung into action.

ashtar. - 2024-01-22


Crackersmack - 2024-01-22

why did they edit out the transition from hood to ground? that was probably the best part

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