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Comment count is 10
duck&cover - 2024-04-06

I've beaten my meat, but never braided it.

SolRo - 2024-04-07

Lost opportunity to season meat before braiding it.


yogarfield - 2024-04-07

Kitchen Referee Alert:

He did not brine the pork at all, then he proceeded to overcook the shit out of it. There's no breadth of flavor in the dish. Don't get me started on his knife skills and plating.

Great song tho

Crackersmack - 2024-04-07

looks like a turd

Robin Kestrel - 2024-04-07

Mmmmmm,, pork belly. 🤤

yogarfield - 2024-04-07

Second Kitchen Referee Alert, Butcher Edition:

Tenderloin and loin cuts come from around the spine. Pork belly literally comes from the sides and.. belly.

Lef - 2024-04-07

Good butchers are hard to find.

Binro the Heretic - 2024-04-07

I watch a lot of cooking channels and cooking videos, so stuff like this pops up in my feed all the time.

There are so many wrong and bad things in this video, I had to post it here.

SolRo - 2024-04-07

I could see this as a stupidly elaborate way to make a better dish via various methods but it’s literally just done for looks and cooked like a plain roast. So much work for such a lazy outcome

Binro the Heretic - 2024-04-07

The lone sad little sprig of rosemary and the underused garlic were what got to me.

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