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Comment count is 61
Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-01-01

south of the border, west of the sun.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2009-01-01

I envy this penguin. I could kill myself, but there's no way I could made the process so damn adorable.

GoneGirl - 2009-01-01

Truly, this penguin is all of us.

HankFinch - 2009-01-01

Well, I'm not cute or adorable, but I AM off to the mountains with my arms out! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Ursa_minor - 2009-01-01


Crucifried - 2009-01-01

Penguin Shaman.

Embrace the other place, the place where no one goes.

Return to them in a different life, and tell them your secrets.

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2009-01-01

Penguin Moses.

mountain dew insimination - 2009-01-01

Penguin Incarnate.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-01-02

Penguin The Penguin. He knows where the Batcave is.

Scurrie - 2009-01-06

Jonathan L. Penguin

TeenerTot - 2009-01-01

Simultaneously heartbreaking and hilarious.

fluffy - 2009-01-01

He's going to nail trees to the cliffside and then fall so he can fly.

Charles - 2009-06-04


Charles - 2009-06-04

except that was a kiwi, but flightless nonetheless

fluffy - 2012-11-23

thanks for explaining my reference to me, I might not have understood it otherwise

Bone_Vulture - 2009-01-01

What, no Lovecraft references?

I'd like to suggest that the bird has heard the call of the Old Ones, but then again.. depressing and adorable penguin death run. :/

Diogenes - 2009-01-01

"Kilimanjaro is a snow-covered mountain 19,710 feet high, and is said to be the highest mountain in Africa. Its western summit is called by the Masai "Ngāje Ngāi," the House of God. Close to the western summit there is the dried and frozen carcass of a leopard. No one has explained what the leopard was seeking at that altitude."

I understand. We, of all species, should understand.
Godspeed, little penguin. Godspeed.

Architeuthis Tux - 2009-01-01

"Afterwards, the other penguins gathered and told me that they would kill the deranged penguin if I wanted them to. When I told my producer that I had turned down their offer, he shouted at me 'Warner, you fool!'"

kingarthur - 2009-01-01

Little Kinski penguin, awwww.

Mad Struggle - 2009-01-01

"My time has come."

mountain dew insimination - 2009-01-01


Poor Excuse - 2009-01-02

Thank you!

Charles - 2009-06-04

thank you times 2.

blase - 2009-01-01

Oh, that Herzog, always about the deranged loners who reject societal convention.

afp3683 - 2009-01-02

Find your dreams little buddy, don't let the naysayers bring you down.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-01-02

This entire film is so goddamned amazing. My favorite part is where some dude describes being given a trial in Laos with a nine year old as a judge.

indierockbird - 2009-01-02

what you can't see from the long shots is that the penguin is dragging a little ship behind him.

see, I can make Werner Herzog jokes too!

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-01-02

Some day, one of those penguins will return to its colony. It will lead them to greatness.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-01-02

I imagine there's a non-Pixar CGI film being planned around this. The penguin is voiced by Jack Black and he tap dances his way to his dreams.

poopskin - 2009-01-02

if not you're a millionaire. Get your screenplay out there fast before another poetver does!

Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-01-02

In hidden valleys in antarctica, you can find mummified penguins 1,000-10,000 years old.

Charles - 2009-06-04

shut up

Sister's fault - 2009-01-02

Why? Because it's there.

chumbucket - 2009-01-02

Devil's Mountain

Nithing - 2009-01-02

And just sometimes a crazy individual like this ends up founding a whole new species.

The rest of the time, lonely death.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2009-01-02

This is so sad, but the part where it just runs by them with its fins flapping is hilarious.

Hooper_X - 2009-01-06


Big Muddy - 2009-01-07

Penguin, the true lemmings of the North Pole. Or so Herzog would like you to believe. White Wilderness indeed!

Big Muddy - 2009-01-07

Goddamn to fuck and back! South Pole!

baleen - 2009-01-07

I bet they just had a breakup conversation.

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-02-12

Nobody can set music to a scene like Herzog.

Charles - 2009-06-04

True. The music is perfection for this scene. And I have a raging man-boner for Mr. Herzog.

Jeriko-1 - 2009-02-14

And Judge Penguin waddles off to the Cursed Earth with the Book of Law in his flipper.

His name will live forever in the Halls of Justice!

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-03-11

At 1.33-1.38 the dude pauses, looks at his friends going toward the food in the distance... then turns back toward his mission of solitary suicide by the elements.

Cube - 2009-04-17

Right on, little buddy.

Right on.

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2009-04-26

The penguin expert is so "fuck you I don't want to talk to you" that he's the funniest thing in this amazing movie.

Mister Yuck - 2009-05-09

This is one of the best things on this site.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-05-28

Forrest Gumpion

Freeman Gordon - 2009-06-22


Samisyosam - 2009-06-25

I still can't get over the way he says "Mount'nins."

Runic - 2009-06-30

Follow your dreams little guy. Grab onto them and never let them go.

poorwill - 2009-11-28


dead_cat - 2010-04-08

He seeks communion with the ancestors.

Xero - 2010-04-09

And I ran, I ran so far away.

RomancingTrain - 2010-12-03

I just gotta be meEEeEEe!

Timothy A. Bear - 2011-08-27

Hate to break up your existentialism party, but pick up the friggin penquin and bring him back.

Pillager - 2013-08-19

Opus chose to take the fight to the shoggoths.

Nodens speed, little guy.

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-02

2014 still number one.

Spaceman Africa - 2014-12-10

How did this go unrated

ashtar. - 2015-04-26

I wonder if this is some sort of evolutionary mechanism that survives because 1 time in a thousand it the crazy penguin discovers a new breeding ground or something.

endlesschris - 2017-03-15

Still good

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