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Comment count is 48
ProfessorChaos - 2009-04-15

Apparently, this is the guy who appears when you summon Odin in the next Final Fantasy.

RockBolt - 2009-04-15

I want him to cut various things!

lolcoolj - 2009-04-16

Then, please look at "Great Challenge".

hornung - 2009-04-15

no matter how cool he thinks he is, he still owns a katana.

and i didn't watch it, so let me know if he cuts apart a japanese tv host, then i'll check it out.

Tuan Jim - 2009-04-16

Eat a dick.

Watch the video.

Report back and apologize for being a douche.

revdrew - 2009-04-16

If a Japanese fucking samurai who can get through airsoft bullets and iron bars isn't allowed to own a katana.. well, that's just isn't a world I want to live in, my friend.

hornung - 2009-04-16

until you tell me he kills a chattering fey dude, i ain't watching, and dicks will remain uneaten.

oogaBooga - 2009-04-16

who the hell is hornung

sosage - 2009-04-16

He refuses to watch cool shit...and then tells everyone about his decision.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-04-16

Hornung, we were waiting for you. You are The Chosen One. You lead, we shall follow.

oddeye - 2009-04-16

shut the fuck up you stupid shit and watch the video

Nikon - 2009-04-16

You really should watch the video. He does some amazing tricks with that sword.
武士の魂を持つ್ 3;

Nikon - 2009-04-16

>no matter how cool he thinks he is, he still owns a katana.

There's a huge difference between this guy and DemoniusX.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-04-16

Hornung is someone who eats a dick every time he opens his mouth or his fingers touch a keyboard.

Cleaner82 - 2009-04-20

It's like somebody tried to explain why katanas weren't always cool to their dog, and the dog didn't quite get it.

The McK - 2011-04-16

"Not always" doesn't quite cut it. Katanas are virtually never cool.


Tuan Jim - 2009-04-16

Holy shit, that's some serious precision.

lieutenant halfabeef - 2009-04-16

Looks like I've got myself a new executioner. Sorry, Yagyu clan, you're out.

Randroid - 2009-04-16


sosage - 2009-04-16

All is forgiven, Japan. You can be as wtf as you want as long as you have a modern Samurai killing iron objects.

revdrew - 2009-04-16

Again, he has cut a worthless object.

socialist_hentai - 2009-04-16


Comeuppance - 2009-04-16

It's understood to cut the center of the umbrella accurately when seeing in slow motion.

Nikon - 2009-04-16

That was badass. Thank you, PoeTv.

Chalkdust - 2009-04-16

It's "Miracle" that exactly exceeds the imagination!

Extra invisible stars for bonus live performance of "Battle Without Honor or Humanity".

oddeye - 2009-04-16

He cut a fucking airsoft bullet that was fired at him IN MID AIR. Next time he does the iron bar trick though, I want him to go all out and cut the damn wooden stand in half too.

This shit is RAW.

Meerkat - 2010-08-31

He did it while unsheathing the fucking blade.

Witty_Pop_Culture_Reference - 2009-04-16

I don't even have a uterus and I still want to have his babies.

Hooper_X - 2009-04-16

He needs to team up with the guy from this video and fight bad guys: http://poetv.com/video.php?vid=811

fourthguy - 2009-04-16


Hooper_X - 2009-06-05

Hell YES. It's like the POETV Justice League.

GlennFinito - 2009-04-16


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-04-16

I have no words.

keinsignal - 2009-04-16

Five stars for beautifully cutting to an inside bean.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-04-16


Grace Mugabe - 2009-04-18

I bet that host has handled more than a few hard pipes in his time

AmericanAir - 2010-03-30

yeah i bet hes a fag too

ihounokyaku - 2009-04-18

I love this show

allcaps - 2009-04-19

What the fuck is this SHIT!! THE SUPERMAN HAS ARRIVED and a Japanese variety show gets the debut?

Gojira1000 - 2009-04-19

Pfah! I can do the same - albeit more messily - with a shotgun and minimal training.

(seriously, the airsoft bullet is fucking insane)

kennydra - 2009-04-21


poopskin - 2009-04-22

a part of me wants to see him go for the hosts for shooting a fucking bullet at his face

Squeamish - 2009-04-26

If this man isn't fighting crime, then the entire Japanese Police System is a waste.

BlackSun1942 - 2009-04-28

Is this guy available to do Birthday parties???

Imagine inviting him over to cut the Birthday cake in front of the kids when all of a sudden little Hitomi's head gets *!!!!!!!!!!HORIZONTAL CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!* by accident...

Goethe and ernie - 2009-06-06

The laid pea bean is "horizontal cut".

The give rating is "five star".

frau_eva - 2010-04-27

...I think that video made me immediately ovulate. I must have ninja babies.

SeaSerpent - 2010-07-17

Words can't describe...

The Mothership - 2011-11-26


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