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Loses two stars for the referee not looking offensively like Mario. Plus one star for Doc at the end. The fight itself was nothing special.
Whoever made this video sucks at Punch Out! I mean seriously.Taking three rounds on a minor circuit opponent? Dude can't dodge for shit.
He even gets hit when Disco Kid is nice enough to warn him that the punch is coming.
The person playing this is just awful.
It's not Clay Davis' voice for Doc!!! Damnit.
Yeah, I've been considering buying this, but without Clay Davis as Doc, this game just became a lot less desirable.
If this game makes reference to the Nintendo Fun Club, I may just have to get a Wii
He' s no Emile Griffith.
I just sat there waiting for a bicycle for get stolen
Haha, disco! It's funny and relevant!
Great style. I really hope the controls don't turn it into a flail fest.
Apparently you can hold your Wii remote like a NES pad and play it old skool.
It's about the fucking disco kid character you geeky geeks.
Sure doesn't help things that the player sucks ass.
Well we've offended every nationality in the world already, might as well go for the gays.