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Comment count is 7
Architeuthis Tux - 2009-09-23

An amazing, amazing film.

Easily the best filmed work about that certain special Donatien.

Sadly it was only briefly available on PAL dvd, and all the extras are completely Frenched up.

godot - 2009-09-24

Is it no longer available? I could get ripping.

Architeuthis Tux - 2009-09-24

I got a used copy of the original French release, but this youtube video suggests there's a newer German release.

bluiker - 2009-09-24


MaulLove - 2009-09-24

Yeah, same here.

zatojones - 2009-09-24

forget the talking wiener. why are they all weird monkey like creatures?

Big Muddy - 2011-06-21

I found out about this on IMDB while looking at credits for "La Plančte Sauvage", and now I know a lot about Roland Topor than before.

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