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Comment count is 11
William Burns - 2010-01-28

Half the fun is guessing which element or elements of this video Chibisuke wants to stick his thing in. There was a Zelda game where link turned into a dog, right?

poorwill - 2010-01-28

He has also turned into a bunny and a fish dude a couple of times.

memedumpster - 2010-01-28

I admit, I had no idea what a stylophone was, I had to look it up.

Still not entirely sure what Chibisuke means either.

Chibisuke - 2010-01-28

Oh for crying out loud.


Chibisuke = Cute Little Helper

Goethe and ernie - 2010-01-28

EVERYONE (of a certain age) knows what a stylophone is. Conversely, only weeaboos and virgins know what chibisuke means.

Aeschylus - 2010-01-29


Although my senile brain figured out what a stylophone was from the video I was not familiar with them beforehand despite being born prior to the 80s.

Also, I had no idea what chibisuke meant other than "dumbshit".

Am I too old or too young?

MrBuddy - 2010-01-28

Hey! Listen!

spencer - 2010-01-28

I'm such a nerd for stuff like this, I basically had it five starred and favorited when I saw it on the main page. Now I'm looking for the 100-star button.

oogaBooga - 2010-01-28

Ocarina of time really had some great music. It's a shame every zelda game since hasn't come close.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-01-28

It doesn't like this guy progressed much beyond the first dungeon.

poorwill - 2010-01-29

Majora's Mask and Wind Waker had some good tracks.

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