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Comment count is 9
Lindner - 2010-02-09

I am familiar with this gentleman. Internet familiar. In a totally heterosexual way. Most of the time.

I find him strangely quaint in that he seems to genuinely be trying to provide information and aid via this strange new medium of the internet.

... admittedly I tend to prefer emo cutter videos, but earnestly given advice seems strangely out of place on youtube. I think we should all chip in and buy him a shirt.

Lindner - 2010-02-09

As an addendum, apparently he does have a cutter video!


phalsebob - 2010-02-09

Did he bite that pillow? Also, he just might be right. In conclusion, I found his fish very relaxing.

sosage - 2010-02-09

These five are because this guy, unlike most of Youtube, is actually helpful. Check out some of his workout tutorial videos...you out of shape fucks.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-02-09

I wish Ractelfece would come back. This is a sorry replacement for the Shirtless Youtube Guy position.

CapnJesusHood - 2010-02-09

time to buy some new glasses, dude

Anhedonia - 2010-02-09

I am pleasantly enchanted by his nipples.

pineapplejuicer - 2010-02-10

i've seen a lot of his videos and im beginning to wonder if he even owns a shirt

a flaming monkey - 2010-02-10

gay bodybuilders make much more sense than 'straight' ones.

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