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Comment count is 20
Aelric - 2006-10-18

and then he just goes about his day

sosage - 2006-10-18

At least everyone is now clear on the whole "please turn phones off" clause in the syllabus.

ztc - 2006-10-18

Bravo that man.

arjay - 2006-10-18

He should get that asshole charged with destruction of property.

Vicious - 2006-10-18

What the hell was that kid thinking? You don't answer the phone, you hang up on put it on vibrate!

grimcity - 2006-10-18

I'll be rewatching this every time I lack the balls to do the same at the movies.

Gurlugon - 2006-10-18

Bad ass.

jim - 2006-10-18

oh, he'd be buying me a new phone

dr_rock - 2006-10-18

Forget smashing... I'd have that kid removed from my course for *answering* it.. what a doucher!

Afgh - 2006-10-18


Torture the Artist - 2006-10-18

Ultimate satisfaction

AJumpingSpider - 2006-10-20

Notice how quiet everyone gets.

yoyo1 - 2006-10-25

seems staged

phalsebob - 2006-10-26

Yeaaa! Rude people suck ass.

dead_cat - 2006-10-29


DK - 2006-10-31

that professor kicks ass!

bopeton - 2006-12-13

Fuck motherfucking yes.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-01-02

WOW! SOMEbody's angry he's a teacher. My dad before retirement had more class, no pun intended.

Caminante - 2007-01-07


Hooper_X - 2007-06-27

Even if it's a staged thing, it's a hell of a stunt.

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